Commit 583ff987 by huangchengcheng


parent 7ae38fd3
......@@ -518,10 +518,10 @@ class TestElebicycle:
mysql.ExecuNonQuery("delete from edl_public.user_login_device where user_id=598137 and device_model='HUAWEI nava';")
if __name__ == '__main__':
pytest.main(["-s","-v","",'--alluredir', './bmc/report',"--clean-alluredir"])
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# pytest.main(["-s","-v","",'--alluredir', './bmc/report',"--clean-alluredir"])
# pytest.main(['-v', '-s', "", '--alluredir', './bmc/report', "--clean-alluredir"])
os.system('allure serve ./bmc/report')
# os.system('allure serve ./bmc/report')
# TestElebicycle().replacementDrvapply()
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