Commit a497c6a4 by taoke


parent ad2f30c5
......@@ -17,14 +17,13 @@ headers = BMCConfig.headers
headers['Pvt-Token'] = BMCConfig.bmc_pvt_token
headers['Token'] = BMCConfig.bmc_token
def avatarUpdate_del() : #修改头像清除
# mysql=BaseConfig.test_mysql_215
# mysql = MYSQL(*mysql)
mysql = MYSQL(host="", port=3306, user="root", pwd="123456", db="edl_private")
# mysql = MYSQL("", 3306, "root", "DataCenter@!hik", "edl_public")
def applySubmit_del() : # 号牌换领初始化_
mysql = MYSQL(*BaseConfig.test_mysql)
"DELETE FROM edl_private.driving_license_image_audit WHERE name='自动化';") # 删除驾驶员
"DELETE FROM db_gy_dmsmp.elec_bicy_change_apply WHERE old_plate_num='贵州A20065';") # 删除驾驶员
......@@ -479,7 +478,6 @@ class TestDrivingLicense( ) :
allure.attach(f"{res}", "响应结果", allure.attachment_type.TEXT)
assert res['code'] == expectData['code']
......@@ -496,10 +494,45 @@ class TestDrivingLicense( ) :
allure.attach(f"{res}", "响应结果", allure.attachment_type.TEXT)
assert res['code'] == expectData['code']
@pytest.mark.parametrize("inData", get_excelData(workBook, '电动车', 'applySubmit'))
def test_applySubmit(self, inData):
url = f"{BMCConfig().host}{inData['url']}"
method = inData['method']
req_data = inData['reqData']
expectData = inData['expectData']
headers = inData['headers']
# 请求
res = request_main(url, headers, method, req_data)
allure.attach(f"{res}", "响应结果", allure.attachment_type.TEXT)
assert res['code'] == expectData['code']
@pytest.mark.parametrize("inData", get_excelData(workBook, '电动车', 'applyRecall'))
def test_applyRecall(self, inData):
url = f"{BMCConfig().host}{inData['url']}"
method = inData['method']
req_data = inData['reqData']
expectData = inData['expectData']
headers = inData['headers']
# 请求
res = request_main(url, headers, method, req_data)
allure.attach(f"{res}", "响应结果", allure.attachment_type.TEXT)
assert res['code'] == expectData['code']
if __name__ == '__main__':
for one in os.listdir('../../report/tmp'): # '-m','scoreDetail' ,
if 'json' in one:
pytest.main(['', '-s', '-m','scoreDetail' ,'--alluredir','../../report/tmp'])
pytest.main(['', '-s', '-m','scoreDetail' , '--alluredir','../../report/tmp'])
os.system('allure serve ../../report/tmp')
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