Commit f83301d9 by jiaqiying
parents ba316f1a e44d8296
import pytest
import pytest,time
import requests
from config import BaseConfig
from common.utils.encryption import Encryption
# from common.utils.getExcelData import get_excelData
from import request_main
from common.db import RedisString
def sso_login(url, headers, method, data):
......@@ -17,10 +18,46 @@ def sso_login(url, headers, method, data):
class BMY():
# 获取当前时间的Authorization
def get_authorization(self,defaultToken="Basic aHpjcF93ZWI6MTIzNDU2"):
key = "Jv+h&c0A" # 原始密钥
m5dkey = Encryption().get_md5(key) # AES密钥
t = time.time()
num = str(round(t * 1000))
return Encryption().aes_cipher(m5dkey, defaultToken + num)
def bmy_login():
①AES加密 -注 AES 秘钥进行MD5(原始密钥)
def pwd_encrypted(pwd):
key = "Jv+h&c0A" # 原始密钥
m5dkey = Encryption().get_md5(key)
encrypted_text_str = Encryption().aes_cipher(m5dkey, pwd) # ①
newpwd = Encryption().get_md5(encrypted_text_str) # ②
return newpwd[::-1] # ③
# 从redis获取获取图形验证码x轴百分比
def get_imageCode(username, pwd):
payload = {"username": username, "password": pwd}
rep = requests.get(f"", params=payload)
imageId = rep.json()['data']['jtId']
result = RedisString(6).get(f'bmc:captcha:{imageId}')
imageCode = str(result)[-3:-1]
return imageId, imageCode
return ("imageId", "imageCode") # 返回错误的验证码
def bmy_login(self):
# token加密
authorization = BMY().get_authorization()
header = {"Authorization": authorization}
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