Commit 17d92dd9 by luohai

Merge branch 'feature-20211027-bugfix' into 'master'


See merge request !1
parents 9bc4fd15 8c140784
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
<mapper namespace="com.hikcreate.dao.DriverPhotoMapper"> <mapper namespace="com.hikcreate.dao.DriverPhotoMapper">
<select id="getIncrePhoto" resultType="DriverPhoto"> <select id="getIncrePhoto" resultType="com.hikcreate.entity.DriverPhoto">
select sfzmhm,zp,gxsj,xzqh,flag,xh,rksj,fzjg from GYJG.DRV_PHOTO where GXSJ between sysdate-5 and sysdate and ZP is not null and sfzmhm is not null select sfzmhm,zp,gxsj,xzqh,flag,xh,rksj,fzjg from GYJG.DRV_PHOTO where GXSJ between sysdate-5 and sysdate and ZP is not null and sfzmhm is not null
</select> </select>
<select id="getIncrePhotoBySfzmhm" resultType="DriverPhoto"> <select id="getIncrePhotoBySfzmhm" resultType="com.hikcreate.entity.DriverPhoto">
select sfzmhm,zp,gxsj,xzqh,flag,xh,rksj,fzjg from GYJG.DRV_PHOTO where ZP is not null and sfzmhm=#{sfzmhm} order by gxsj desc select sfzmhm,zp,gxsj,xzqh,flag,xh,rksj,fzjg from GYJG.DRV_PHOTO where ZP is not null and sfzmhm=#{sfzmhm} order by gxsj desc
</select> </select>
<select id="getIncrePhotoStage" resultType="DriverPhoto"> <select id="getIncrePhotoStage" resultType="com.hikcreate.entity.DriverPhoto">
select sfzmhm,zp,gxsj,xzqh,flag,xh,rksj,fzjg from GYJG.DRV_PHOTO where ZP is not null and fzjg='贵A' and sfzmhm is not null and to_char(GXSJ,'yyyy-mm-dd')<![CDATA[ >= ]]>#{start} select sfzmhm,zp,gxsj,xzqh,flag,xh,rksj,fzjg from GYJG.DRV_PHOTO where ZP is not null and fzjg='贵A' and sfzmhm is not null and to_char(GXSJ,'yyyy-mm-dd')<![CDATA[ >= ]]>#{start}
and to_char(GXSJ,'yyyy-mm-dd')<![CDATA[ < ]]>#{end} and to_char(GXSJ,'yyyy-mm-dd')<![CDATA[ < ]]>#{end}
</select> </select>
<select id="increDrvPicFzjgNull" resultType="DriverPhoto"> <select id="increDrvPicFzjgNull" resultType="com.hikcreate.entity.DriverPhoto">
select sfzmhm,zp,gxsj,xzqh,flag,xh,rksj,fzjg from (select * from GYJG.DRV_PHOTO where ZP is not null select sfzmhm,zp,gxsj,xzqh,flag,xh,rksj,fzjg from (select * from GYJG.DRV_PHOTO where ZP is not null
and to_char(GXSJ,'yyyy-mm-dd')<![CDATA[ >= ]]>#{start} and to_char(GXSJ,'yyyy-mm-dd')<![CDATA[ < ]]>#{end})a where (a.fzjg!='贵A' or a.fzjg is null) and to_char(GXSJ,'yyyy-mm-dd')<![CDATA[ >= ]]>#{start} and to_char(GXSJ,'yyyy-mm-dd')<![CDATA[ < ]]>#{end})a where (a.fzjg!='贵A' or a.fzjg is null)
</select> </select>
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