Commit d98fe56e by xieshixiang


parent 4787423d
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
<mapper namespace="">
<select id="selectByQuery" parameterType=""
select b.unq_id, b.user_id,,
case plate_color
when 'A' then '白'
when 'B' then '灰'
when 'C' then '黄'
when 'D' then '粉'
when 'E' then '红'
when 'F' then '紫'
when 'G' then '绿'
when 'H' then '蓝'
when 'I' then '棕'
when 'J' then '黑'
end plateColor,
case status
when '0' then '未绑定'
when '1' then '已绑定'
end status,
b.plate_num, b.editor_time from edl_public.bind_info as b
<if test="userId!=null and nuserId!=''">
and b.user_id=#{userId}
<if test="phone!=null and phone!=''">
<if test="plateColor!=null and plateColor!=''">
and b.plate_color=#{plateColor}
<if test="plateNum!=null and plateNum!=''">
and b.plate_num=#{plateNum}
<if test="status!=null and status!=''">
and b.status=#{status}
<if test="editorTime!=null ">
and b.editor_time=#{editorTime}
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