Commit f065e32b by lixian7


parent 77e1563b
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class ViolationCache {
* @param req 号牌+号牌类型,时间开始-结束
* @return
@Cacheable(value = "violations", key = "'plateNum:'+#req.plateNum+':plateType:'+#req.plateType", unless = "#result==null or #result.size()==0")
// @Cacheable(value = "violations", key = "'plateNum:'+#req.plateNum+':plateType:'+#req.plateType", unless = "#result==null or #result.size()==0")
public List<ViolationMicRes> getByPlateNumAndType(ViolationListByTimeReq req) {
return violatio.listByTime(req).getData();
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