Commit 1251b0e3 by 文鑫


parent 4714866b
......@@ -5,35 +5,47 @@ import requests
import allure
import pytest
import sys
import test
from common import getSourceId
from common.getData import DoExcelByPandas
class TestSource():
执行指定测试用例 --allure-severities blocker
BLOCKER = 'blocker'  阻塞缺陷
CRITICAL = 'critical' 严重缺陷
NORMAL = 'normal'   一般缺陷
MINOR = 'minor'   次要缺陷
TRIVIAL = 'trivial'  轻微缺陷 
parametrize = DoExcelByPandas().get_data_for_pytest('../data/DataA_Source.xlsx', 'Sheet1')
def test(self,id,url,data,story,method,severity,condition,except_result): # test开头的测试函数
url = url
if story == '删除mysql数据源' or story == '删除oracle数据源':
severity = DoExcelByPandas().get_data_for_allure('../data/DataA_Source.xlsx', 'Sheet1')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('id,url,data,title,method,severity,condition,except_result', parametrize)
def test(self, id, url, data, title, method, severity, condition, except_result): # test开头的测试函数
# 测试删除数据源接口
if title == '删除mysql数据源' or title == '删除oracle数据源':
id = getSourceId.get_SourceId(data)
# 将数据源id拼接在url地址上
url = url + id
r =
elif 'dataSourceId' in story :
# 测试需要传递dataSourceId的接口
elif 'dataSourceId' in title:
id = getSourceId.get_SourceId(data)
url = url + id
r = requests.get(url=url)
# 测试post接口
elif method == 'post':
json = eval(data) #eval返回传入字符串的表达式的结果
r = = url,json = json)
json = eval(data) # eval返回传入字符串的表达式的结果
r =, json=json)
# 测试get接口
elif method == 'get':
r = requests.get(url=url)
response = r.json()
......@@ -42,6 +54,4 @@ class TestSource():
if __name__ == '__main__':
pytest.main(['-s','']) #-s参数是为了显示用例的打印信息。 -q参数只显示结果,不显示过程
pytest.main(['-s', '']) # -s参数是为了显示用例的打印信息。 -q参数只显示结果,不显示过程
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